Born in 1982. Studied graphic design, painting, and animation. From 1997 began to make graffiti, makes web-designs. In the last two years has been experimenting in the spheres of animation, interactive projects, pixel painting and the integration of sub-cultural artistic phenomena. Main exhibitions: “Art-Moscow” (2008), the 1st Moscow Biennale and others.
People are used, and even tend to, accept themselves as members of different groups according to endless social identifications. We elaborate and support rules what make us sustain conflicts, limitations and intolerance. In his works Make documents the way social life impacts culture but avoiding the temptation to judge the events. He deconstructs routine life leaving only the core of it, the one that isn’t coloured and free from interpretations.
His TV Chart is a part of Container series in which Make explores the sources of ego concept and its metamorphoses under the influence of social pressure. Bus #233 belongs to autobiography part of his art where he objects his family and friends and instances what constitute his universe. ArcticSea is Make’s grand piece, a reaction on that rather strange manner of contemporary mass media to produce news reports as pure entertainment. The mystery of cargo ship missing and then suddenly discovered in Atlantics is one of those events that create the most improbable associations Make comes up with.
His art is a blocknote of a watchful observer, the difference is in materials he takes his notes on. Those are the symbols of modernity and consumer society we belong: corrugated iron, conventional sea container, liquid cargo barrels, satellite dishes and outdoor ad lightboxes contain clearly recognisable images created by the artist.
Katerina Krupennikova